Submersion Injury


This post is part of a series developed in preparation for participation in ACEP SimWars. It contains a review of several prominent emergency medicine topics which may be relevant for board preparation. Unless otherwise cited, content is based on HippoEM videos.


  • Breath-holding until eventual involuntary gasp which triggers reflexive laryngospasm. Resultant loss of consciousness may cause laryngeal relaxation and aspiration.
  • Fluid aspiration results in decreased surfactant activity and atelectasis. This is complicated by V/Q mismatch and atelectrauma which can lead to ARDS.


  • Progressive respiratory distress
  • AMS: due to cerebral hypoxia
  • Shock: uncommon, consider trauma


  • Albuterol
  • BiPAP
  • Endotracheal intubation
  • ECMO


  • Asymptomatic or minor event: observe 2-3 hours
  • Mildly symptomatic: observe 4-6 hours
  • Hypoxia: admit
  • PPV: ICU